Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The story behind @TheHandleStory

One fine morning, on my way to the office, i was going thru the twitter feed. I came across a tweep asking about miss @bitchwanti about the story behind her twitter handle. She directed him to the story on her blog. After reading the story, I had a realization that many of us, who have a hatke handle, may have a story behind it. Upon reaching office I made a simple blog on tumblr. And thus was born TheHandleStory.com.

Later @GareebGuitarist and @Digital_Baba (Now the dynamic duo behind Dijma.com) pitched in for hosting, domain, blog design and loads of other things (god knows what I would have done without them). Once everything was set up, we started asking tweeps about their #HandleStories.

The response was good and the stories kept coming in. We are now nearing the mark of 100 stories. Check out the website TheHandleStory.com, also to leave suggestions if any!

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