Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Finally the devil hangs

After the wait of 4 years, Ajmal Kasab hangs. We delayed his meetings with the 72 virgins for a long time. But we tried to compensate by feeding him biryani. The government is now defending that the biryani was to make him heavy so he hangs better.

A video or photographic evidence must be produced by the government. Some may say that this is quiet grotesque, but trust me, beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. And the beholders here are people who saw their city taken hostage for more than 2 days, the families of brave policemen who were handed the bodies of the brave souls.

Since we have seen all those horrible sights, this small video of Kasab finally hanging would only offer some peace to the eyes that have been mutely crying for the past 4 years.

The story behind @TheHandleStory

One fine morning, on my way to the office, i was going thru the twitter feed. I came across a tweep asking about miss @bitchwanti about the story behind her twitter handle. She directed him to the story on her blog. After reading the story, I had a realization that many of us, who have a hatke handle, may have a story behind it. Upon reaching office I made a simple blog on tumblr. And thus was born TheHandleStory.com.

Later @GareebGuitarist and @Digital_Baba (Now the dynamic duo behind Dijma.com) pitched in for hosting, domain, blog design and loads of other things (god knows what I would have done without them). Once everything was set up, we started asking tweeps about their #HandleStories.

The response was good and the stories kept coming in. We are now nearing the mark of 100 stories. Check out the website TheHandleStory.com, also to leave suggestions if any!